The memories are less these days. I used to suffer from episodes of crippling grief spurned by the memories. I would be going about my day, thinking I was all healed, and then all of a sudden, a memory would come floating into my brain and would take out my figurative knees.
Read MoreI'm sure you've heard this before, but i'm going to repeat this piece of self-care advice: one of the best gifts you can give yourself is the gift of travel!
Read MoreWhen discussing depression, sometimes it is important to establish a distinction between situational depression and clinical depression, as treatment may be different for each.
Read MoreStarting your fitness journey can be extremely overwhelming. We live in a age where there is so much information being thrown at us on a daily basis.
Read MoreFor a long time, I struggled with forgiveness. I had so much anger and grief circling inside me. These emotions blocked me from any sort of forgiveness.
Read MoreLet’s face it. Divorce happens. In addition to being incredibly complicated and terribly heartbreaking (maybe…) you were also left with a ton of stuff.
Read MoreTo the childless woman, It may feel that your path is not lived by many, but you are not alone. This is my letter to you. This is my letter to me.
Read MoreDivorce can hit you with a tidal wave of emotions and tear a hole in not only your heart, but your self esteem and confidence as well.
Read MoreThis page-turning debut shares Lauren McKinley's raw and authentic story of how she survived a marriage rocked by infidelity.
Read MoreWhen we split, I didn't just lose my marriage, my house, friends, family, all my money, my anticipated future, and my husband, I also lost my best friend. This has been the hardest reality to face.
Read MoreI couldn’t make my marriage work so how do I make this co-parenting thing work? Listen, divorce is hard enough when there are no kids involved.
Read MoreI wish I could say that I had one of those divorces where we both agreed that we were better off apart and where we worked together to create a new version of our relationship, but I didn’t.
Read MoreA Strong Woman acknowledges the amazing possibilities that each new day offers.
A Strong Woman is in charge of her own happiness and her own destiny.
Read MoreWhen all is said and done, everyone’s favorite question is “When should you start dating again?” As with anything divorce related, there’s no real perfect time frame or solution that works for every individual across the board.
Read MoreDivorce is a painful road, for anyone who has to walk that path. It can be soul-crushing, heartbreaking and traumatic. But today, on International Women's Day, I feel gratitude for my divorce.
Read MoreWhen going through a divorce, it is so easy to get down on yourself. We blame, we shame; and the target is often ourselves.
Read MoreDuring this time it's so important to do what you can to find happiness in your life. Check out some ideas below to inspire you.
Read MoreDuring a Separation, or following a divorce, it is so important to start the process of freeing your mind from toxic, negative and unhealthy thoughts.
Read MoreIt is during this time when I stand alone that I will truly discover who I am and who I am meant to be. I now know that being alone isn't a "life sentence."
Read MoreFor us who have experienced loss, Christmas isn't just merry, it is also a holiday that reminds us of what we have lost.
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