Let's Talk Mental Health


I’ve been vocal about my struggle with mental health and I continue to advocate.

My struggle first happened post-divorce when I didn’t know how to cope with the trauma of divorce.

My struggle continues to this day when navigating through trauma triggers that still pop-up from time to time.

I’ve been in dark places.
I’ve felt “crazy.”
I’ve felt lost.
I’ve thought there was no way out.
I’ve dialled suicide hotlines.
I’ve believed it wouldn’t get better.

I’ve also done my best to do the work.
I’ve been to therapy.
I’ve confided.
I’ve reached out.
I’ve educated myself.
I’ve shared my story.
I’ve talked.

Mental health is a continuum. We all have mental health. Sometimes it’s up. Sometimes it suffers. It doesn’t necessarily take a big trauma to harm our mental health. So it’s important we all share.

Mental health isn’t just a 1/5 statistic with 1 out of every 5 reporting struggle. Mental health is a 5/5 situation with ALL people going through struggles in life that impact mental health.

Mental health is relevant to us all.

So, let’s talk. If you feel brave enough to share your story, even with one person, I encourage you to do so. Free free to drop a comment below and share your story. I’d love to read it and I’m sure others would benefit. If you feel brave enough to publicly share your story on social, I encourage you to do so. Or shoot me a DM. I’m always here to listen.

The more we talk, the more we break down any remaining stigma.