How To Navigate Your Way Through Difficult Times

It can be agreed that almost all people go through difficult situations at some point in life, and everyone may have different approaches to handling such situations.

Many people will ignore life-stressors. In fact, according to research, 53% of workers handle tough situations by turning a blind eye to them. No matter how you choose to face difficult situations, the fact remains that at some point, you will need to face the situation head-on. Below are a few tips to help you when that moment comes.

Look for a way of release


When you face difficult times, you may be tempted to overthink, which may cause a lot of tension in your mind and body. There is more research being done every day that has proven the mind-body connection. If your mind if overthinking, your body will tense up. At some point, if you are mentally overwhelmed or stressed, you need to release this tension to help you function properly. This can be done in many ways.

Some ways to help release tension include listening to your favourite music or any other tunes you find relaxing. A walk outside in nature can do wonders. Yoga is fantastic. You can also engage in other physical activities such as jogging, gardening, etc.

The key is to indulge in any activity that relaxes you and helps to take your mind off all you may be going through.

Learn to breathe


It’s possible and rather easy to forget to breathe when you are going through a difficult or stressful situation. Even though breathing is considered an involuntary action, you can easily forget to breathe properly when your mind is crowded with so many thoughts.  When this occurs, you may deprive your brain and body of the right amount of oxygen they need to operate. This deprivation may cause you to lose consciousness and even bring up more severe health conditions.

To prevent this from occurring, be conscious of how you breathe during stressful situations. In such moments, try to consciously take in deep breathes.

Yoga is a great practice to help you learn how to focus on your breathing. You could book a breathwork sessions. You can also consider scheduling time to be spent all by yourself so you can meditate and practise different breathing techniques.

Seek support from other people

Human connection is important and required on an everyday basis. Even more so when you’re going through tough times. Your loved ones and family are great sources of comfort during trying times, so try not to isolate yourself from people when you find yourself in tough situations. Reach out and speak to loved ones you trust and receive all the support you can get. 


Even if you are unable to meet up or see them in person, social media and technology can help out. You can reach out to people via text, calls, emails, Instagram, Facebook and all other social media platforms.

You may also want to consider reaching out to professionals who can offer support and needed advice from an experienced and knowledgeable point of view. For example, people going through health situations can contact specialised doctors. If you’re dealing with mental health struggles, many counsellors and therapists have taken their practice online. For those facing marriage breakdowns, professionals such as the experienced divorce solicitors in Manchester can assist people going through a divorce. 

Whatever be the case, do not suffer alone. There’s no reason to keep to yourself. Instead, reach out and make all efforts to help yourself come out of tough situations stronger. Lastly, keep in mind that you are stronger than you give yourself credit for. All storms eventually lead to sunshine and you can make it through anything.